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1、立在CTU庭革AUDIOSCRIPTS Unit 1 Happiness Part 1 T藍(lán)ACHER.Hi, good moming. Did you hcar ahour thc lortery winner lS( night? The man won年. wha: . 丁飛,vomillion dollars. . .? STUDENn No, thD時- 1Acm黠Threemillion dollars? Three million.11皿¥a 101 of money isnt itl Do you出ink出旺發(fā)h附millondol lars would make you ha
2、ppy? . , Im制kingyou r七i5 because when如uask people w擬定rheyneed盼如happy, m甜ypeople will礎(chǔ)陰晴、。由money!飛再是翩翩merhat money will make即happier.But is rhis rrue?可(7i!1win nng rhe lottery汝Ipyou 必inehappness? Today啊,lrego鳴曲蜘kat the idea ofhappiness, at rhe F法yehologyofhappines.whatmak臼somepeople如p pier th捕。thers.
3、旺1I1ook就出附pertfJ制Ii1;yj梆附 that we find in happy peoplTo find ou主必ou!th酣 如SOaJ,均聲如何,押dlOlogistst必edro hundreds of p叫!e.No吼fmt,小ey皿kedrhe陽plehow h.ppy they felt-yo縫know,from very happy to飛。在各appyat all. 寫len出eyasked白自emote qu四脅時leywanted 0 民ndout必仰tpeople¥prso制lits,sueh as their 劇對如改陽祀outlil:,扭d蹄。然.Th
4、ey looked硝rhediffer en口betweenhappy people and unhappy people, Th勾F 陽nd陽e如018that are v附加嚴(yán)tant島rachieving happin出.$0. . . lers look at those廬幽附級何 The ftrstp即制制盒ityj如睛,.is rnat h.ppy people are. , M均feJwith themseIv時.This mea舊tharrhey Ike 毫hemsdves描theyare, and rh町rehappy wirh what chey 如ave.Happy pe
5、ople may not like eve對命ingabour rheir Iives一出eymay be a Itde也itoVjWei帆.or may not have也ebe前job,or may nor Iive in a bi事,fancy hou盹 民trhey dont附d回cbangernose也應(yīng)gsto be happy. They think more .bout rhe rhings rhey are . 耐開eJ wirh, not rne ehan伊rhey明自由make. This是:elingof happiness com回去。mrne inside, not
6、 from som盯hing outside. Part 2 Tl!AC狂草黯50. , , happy people feel SIl政ifieJwith themsel時5.On the otner沁時,unhappy people are ofi:en dissacisfied wit如rhemsdv陳如ley,, , uh. . , fel that附nerhingm皿tchange蛇出eycan be happy.h勾r chink if命eylose sorne w,ight or get a bet陽jobor a m但rho陽在heywill be happy.羽leyare
7、a1way嗡lookin革 for some也ingourside出,em脆l(xiāng)v,部陽makethem happy. 24 在前在hcproblcm i如-r如cyncvcr fnd jr! No m3Cr whac they g時,th町世軒mdissatisfied and unhappy. The眠。ndp白宮附aJ,itY戶a,.is th就happypeople are oprimstt:-they 100主trhe psitff side of Iife, not rhe negacive. Now, we .Il have pro各lemwh盯h怨言輔正陽 happy or no
8、r, But whcn happy pcople have problems, they a揮umech.t things wil1 impro毗heydonr wo時y a lot and t七inkabout aIl the bad thin在thar can happen. Instead, t扣Yhave a p何itiveIltti,加Je.f號。、,ever unh.ppy people .re the opposi且Theyare not opt陽st;and dont have a positJl attittule. When they have a problem, rhe
9、y rhink about how各adevery 而n囂isand assllme rhar iln get worse. $0 chey make themselves even mo何也nhappy冒險犯泊eythink about .11 rhe bad things rhar mighr happen. 誨;rhe chird 1附時與如1M15必arhappy peO盧 havc good 1咱前時,如wirhot七erpeople. They try陽 have close, loving時i4t劇毒4戶、. irh friends and family. S陽也由showth.
10、t d出,loving re何必拙晶爭sare one of 由mo.stimporra時廬ctorsin acbl肘,馴呻pin脯.So h.ppy p船pledont spend a拉伯eirrime bulding their 盹附自ortrying to make mone嚴(yán)They法50spend time 各uildingreJJio陽品告.with friends目ldfamily, No、ton theother弘nd,unhappy p盼pIdonthave as黯甜ydose relatio戴均ips.They血ayhave troubl盟么n囂仕iends. Or rhe
11、y mf spend a11 rheir rime宵。必艘軍andrhen在nd thar theyreery lonely扭dun!咀ppy.Bur五口r樹ha蒼白er reason, they dont have dose reLuio酣幸虧psand在his 黯akesthem unhapp予 50. .鋪ardoes this tdI us1喘口Iifyou胃antbe happier, dont ,!t a discussion of some of ,!te b瀘tsof GM food. Gene,c scentisrs 3re re.llv rrying to m.ke foo
12、d pl.nrs that are beer t!t3n 11唰Iplan邸,10make planr$ ,h.t are al,陽Y!Jn ways ,h.( make the plam gro皆 快eror .5e better or be !tealthi啊栩栩,h3n腳,唰al planrs. One benefi , s也.,generically modificd plan桔mayn出d 必werp四,ticiJ.啄rh.nnarmal plan,s. Fo穿出部鈴ple,也ere s a type of com出tis b.d for ns棋路咄enrb運(yùn)服配白 眼,rbern
13、pl缸毛毛rbeydie. Howev時,必ecorn do白戳 hu( p帕ple.Tbis穹peof orn s bene自cialb但ausef.arm ers itse如CC如優(yōu)先ksto grow rhern, and 50 there is i郵polluronin rhe iron翩翩A1so the corn is less pensi時b在拍serhe furmers don在havc to spend a 10( of money on pestic由陸.缸,by using島W時P時Icks,出e corn s cheaper and (he environmnt.t s
14、 deaner. Anorher ben柿。fgenerically mod份plants s吐血they may grow bener rhan nol唰alplan四.One =mple , a type of generically modi自edstrawberry th剖臼統(tǒng)grown old weather. Tbese are better沁an腳棚alsrr . 胃berri由 抉臼舊efarmers c扭planrthes時awberri暗號arli怠rin rh. spring and I.tcr in the蟬,咄咄左腳,嘴斜陽飛元脅時制a 泌ydi竅.5勿。趴.捐are
15、s徨必1(.藝乞,忘知rm酣踹報(bào)鏟8腳wma礎(chǔ)栩z貌lymo阻班跑w 氈忱加加岔盯俯r時r附i璐d必巾削lala斟司怡皇往Z pI.栩n白HER:N。有專harweve lookcd at some of th. benefil島 。fg擁擠icallymodifcd pla邸,I咄咄k.boutthe坤銜。f 伊wm喜thscypeof島。d.We doo, really know wh.t the harmful effec臼are七u(there are陽耐talthing聲rh.tpeo ple都eworticda如out 。時,也矗isthat the generically mod
16、ified p1磯陽maystar 陽dtnnhuethe other wild plar立即inrhe酬lrtI第酬棚系 This s a problem wirh some ry嚴(yán)softom峙。es,也E口am ple. The new tomato plants are srrong口th.nn,咽d plants, and because rhey are就rongerand喜rowfaster rhan the wild plants, the在;enetically醋。d泌球協(xié)黯踹制S CONTEMPO,島電RYTOPICS1 may start to d.1/J:, the e
17、nr,;ronment. causing the wild planrsdk 50 having one planr tJmirutt a11 rhe orher planrs isn, good for rhe en,1irvmmntt. Anorher 1也矗i.th.t genetico.lly modi載。dplan岳飛ilIhurt wild anim,念andinsects in the mtl;rom四甜For eam ple, the generically modi6edrn I menrioncd earlier革措 a1re.dy caused也必p即如lem.Now蹄踴
18、C各urterfljesthar live時artl黯柏rnare dying-態(tài)時時rfli部rharare good tnsecrs甜ddon虧arrhe仰rn.Ir¥防部ible,七atcorn JS killng也沁扭扭我放錦州沁吼七u(we1re nOl sure. We just know也撾mo四七utreriH四aredying rhan 0響al. But CI目均由時a陸品巾rgenetcally modifcd島。ds can hurt皿血alsand ns悅目nthe lI1tf1i,附,_t. But probably the m棚rmpt咄咄(1也ks rhat g
19、ene!cally modifed food may be h.rmful 10 rhe people who consume the food. The alterations in rhe pl.ms may cause serious problems for peopl .we ju前donr撿回W. 5cientisrs are trying all kinds of new things,四cb器pur rng the gen國fromann協(xié)into集pl刷.For example, to make. frut like strawberres .tlIy妥協(xié)longer,sce
20、nt部 rook a gene ftom a f.1卜哺在苦耐岳王athelpsrbe在shlive in Id 陰陽-andpu藝擬定inroa srrawberry. Will that 何且必erry汝協(xié)mful聰P船ple1We don, know. But it may汝 $0延sdear thar there are some important ben電fits(0 generically modfed food but al拍即me呻.ks一地品sthar a lor of people arent willing ro tak. $0 lets stop here and d
21、iscu臼anyqu時rionsyou have ar this poin藝a Unit 3 Public Art Part 1 TEACHE黠Goodmornng every如予1hope you a11 enjoyed our住p協(xié)定主蕩rtmus陽mI.st week.bday were.go站在自必k. . uh. . . more ,1:字outmodern art W龜掛.uh.怯kea lookar如meexample. of pub lc aC-tt Y如C栩only菇ndoutdoors. . . uh . . in publc places. ru c:xplain在hep
22、urp回eof public art, and then ru d時cribe帕me口劇nplesof public m也at必酬rterhreemmon ryp礎(chǔ)。fmodern art: pop姐reJi.J酬,and sumt!a/h帽. Bur frsr, publc art. . . Tbese days publc art is bcm ing more and more pop航Manybusness and ry leade臼arepuning up art n p嶺licpla.陽一nparks and gardens, near offi臼buldng聲,棉d50 on.
23、Cres like tQ put art in pu如licpla礎(chǔ)forupleofre搖。因Um. first of all,缸thelp零romak番。攏,。首屆lookmore beauri ful and ir拭目由主n在.Al蛤李飛往,險統(tǒng)artis ourdoo礙,many 嚴(yán)。plecan 1主目i在andenjoy it evcry day飛出eydont 主盯白囂。由amuseum. 50 hav問artin publc plac白 lers礎(chǔ)。黯抖。糾eenjoy art every day. 25 Now, Im going 0 movc 00 () somc exam
24、pl白。fpublic art. Hcres our firsl examplc-a silver 尊嚴(yán)棚anda red cherry. This piece is huge: It¥twcnty唱inefeer wide and over在ftyfe啊long!rs made of 附!al叫時Iand .1, mnum. Irs paimed silver and brighr red 10 lqok like a poon胃i,ha時cherryon i!. The削Iprures a good exa幽plcof pop 3rt. Pop 3rt.l. lke to makc .自由
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