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    Introduction to WTO 課件 匯總 全套 ppt 完整版 教學(xué) 教程 整套 全書 電子 教案
    Introduction to the World Trade Organization (WTO),YUAN, Tao,Chapter 1 The Establishment and Law of the WTO,The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations.WTO was established on 1 January 1995, and its main institutions are located in Geneva. Until 23July2008, 153 Members have joined in the WTO.,1.1 The Formation and Development of Multilateral Trading System,From 1947 to 1994, before the establishment of the WTO, the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) had been playing an important role in promoting free trade.,1.1.1 GATT and its trade rounds1. The foundation of GATT,After World War II, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, known as the Bretton Woods institutions, were created.In February 1946, the United Nations Economic and Social Committee adopted a resolution calling for a conference to draft a charter for an “International Trade Organization” (ITO) to complement the World Bank and the IMF.,More than 50 countries participated in the negotiations to create an International Trade Organization as a specialized agency of the United Nations.Meanwhile, in an effort to give an early boost to trade liberalization and begin to correct the legacy of protectionist measures, tariff negotiations were begun among the 15 countries in 1946.,The negotiations on the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) advanced well in Geneva, and by October 1947 the negotiators had reached an agreement of the GATT. The GATT was born with 23 founding contracting parties.,The ITO Charter was finally agreed in Havana in March 1948, but ratification in some national legislatures proved impossible.In 1950, the United States government announced that it would not seek Congressional ratification of the Havana Charter, and the ITO was effectively dead.,The GATT became the only multilateral instrument governing international trade from 1948 until the WTO was established in 1995.,2. Trade rounds under GATT,The first round of multilateral trade negotiations From April to October in 1947, the first round of negotiations was held in Geneva, Switzerland, and 23 contracting parties joined in the negotiations. It was the largest multilateral tariff concession negotiations at that time, which facilitated the recovery and development of world economy after the Second World War.,The second round of multilateral trade negotiationsFrom April to October in 1949, the second round of negotiations was held in Annecy, France, and 13 contracting parties joined in the negotiations.This round of negotiations resulted in 147 tariff concession agreements, including about 5000 goods.,The third round of multilateral trade negotiationsFrom September 1950 to April 1951, the third round of negotiations was held in Torquay, England, with 38 contracting parties participating. This round of negotiation affected 80% of the worlds total trade.,The fourth round of multilateral trade negotiationsThe fourth round of negotiations was held in Geneva from January to May in 1956, with 26 contracting parties participating. The limited authorization of the American delegation affected the results. Only $2.5 billion of trade was involved in this round.,The Dillon RoundThe fifth round of negotiations called Dillon Round was held in Geneva between September 1960 and July 1962, with 26 contracting parties participating.The negotiations resulted in tariff concession agreements with regard to 4400 goods, which affected $4.9 billion of trade.,The Kennedy RoundThe sixth round of negotiations called Kennedy Round was held in Geneva from May 1964 to June 1967, with 62 contracting parties participating. The topics included agricultural products, industrial products, tariff, non-tariff barriers and so on.This round also allowed the first negotiations on issues such as anti-dumping and development.,The Tokyo RoundThe Tokyo Round began from 1973 to 1979, with 102 countries participating.The results included an average one-third cut in customs duties in the worlds nine major industrial markets, bringing the average tariff on industrial products down to 4.7%.A series of agreements on non-tariff barriers did emerge from the negotiations. Because they were not accepted by the full GATT membership, they were often informally called codes.,The Uruguay RoundThe Uruguay Round took seven and a half years, almost twice the original schedule. By the end, 123 countries were taking part. The Uruguay Round brought about the biggest reform of the worlds trading system since GATT was created.,1.1.2 Trade rounds under WTO1. Ministerial conferences,Singapore ministerial conferenceThe First WTO Ministerial Conference was held in Singapore from 9 to 13December1996. It included various multilateral, plurilateral and bilateral business sessions.Agreement on Financial Services and Information Technology Agreement were adopted.“Singapore issues”,Geneva ministerial conferenceThe Second WTO Ministerial Conference
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